Category Web

UX Designer bio

UX Designer bio

Learn how to write a better UX Designer bio, Writing your bio is hard, but it doesn’t have to be. It is difficult to get a long ride. It can be exhausting and the complications are often unforeseen. But it…

Freelance Ruby on rails

Freelance Ruby on rails

Are you looking for a Freelancer specialized with Ruby on rails? Ruby on Rails can be an daunting topic to pin down, whether you’re new to coding and trying to get the lay of the ground, or you’re still interested…

How much does a web designer cost in Zambia?

How much does a web designer cost in Zambia

Do you know How much a web designer cost in Zambia?. Each person judges the book, and each online client evaluates a company by their website. It could turn potential customers away if your business site has not been updated…

Web designing company in Zambia

Web designing company in Zambia

Learn more on web designing company in Zambia and how to get a website for your business in Zambia at an affordable price. I am a freelancer in web development, designing, search engine optimization, marketing and security from Lusaka Zambia.…

How to use BunnyCDN for ShortPixel Adaptive Images

How to use BunnyCDN for ShortPixel Adaptive Images

Learn How to use BunnyCDN for ShortPixel Adaptive Images What is Bunnycdn? If you’re in the SEO and internet marketing industry, then you know how critical the speed of a site is. But those days are gone because you’ve had…

Serving Images In WEBP Format In WordPress In 2021

Serving Images In WEBP Format In WordPress In 2021

Learn How to Serve WebP Format Images in WordPress with this guide on Serving Images In WEBP Format In WordPress In 2021. WebP is a Google-developed web image format which can deliver smaller image file sizes with the same quality…

Web Development Freelancing In Africa

Web Development Freelancing In Africa

Know more on web development freelancing Quora, web development freelance salary, web development freelance sites, web development freelance work, web development freelance projects, web development freelance reddit, web development freelance rates, web development freelance course and web development freelance website…