How to become an airtel money agent and dealer in Zambia

Learn how to become an airtel money agent in Zambia, getting an airtel agent number, booth and float in Zambia. Airtel Money is a mobile money transfer service operated by Airtel in Zambia and numerous other countries in Africa. Airtel is one of Zambia’s biggest cellular companies.
You can earn additional revenue from operating an Airtel money business as an agent in your agency. In addition to helping you earns additional fee money, traffic to your store, which can be turned to sales, will also improve. If you’ve had the idea of being an Airtel money officer then the time is right. This is the path to become a cash manager for Airtel.

How to register as an airtel money agent in Zambia

Send required documents or copies of the documents scanned to your nearest Airtel Center or representative from your Airtel. A representative will visit you and take you in the next steps Once you are approved, you will be issued with your SIM card and trained by a representative of Airtel Money. Call Airtel 111 and tell your agents where you are located.
The mandatory Airtel selling cash point and user manuals will also be released.

Why Become An Airtel Money Agent in Zambia?

Enhance the look of your store with free airtel and trading material from Airtel. Become part of a world-class cash transfer service from Airtel Enhance the look of your shop by using profitable charges.

How To Become An Airtel Money Agent in Zambia? 

Airtel made it clearly on their website, they said

If you are unable to contact us in person, give us an e-mail to with your address or call airtel information on the 111st and specify your position to our representatives. The representative can come and escort you to the closest airtel center or to your representative. Give us scanned versions of the documentation or scans of the records.

The required Airtel money point and user guides will also be issued to you.

Pre Requisite or Requirements For Being or becoming An Airtel Money Dealer Or Agent in Zambia

airtel money dealer in Zambia

  • Duly filled airtel Money Dealer application form
  • Certified copy of Certificate of Registration of a Limited Company
  • Certified Copy of Identification of the Directors of the Company
  • At least 3 own outlets in separate locations
  • Capital requirement of K 5000 for each outlet
  • Passport photo of the Directors of the Company
  • A P4 Computer with internet connection
  • Valid E-mail address


Dealers Are Allowed To Recruit And Manage Airtel Money Agents And Sub-Agent Outlets.

Airtel money agent in Zambia

  • Duly filled airtel Money Agent Applications form
  • Certified copy of Business registration certificate
  • Certified copy of PIN Certificate
  • Copy of identification of the business owner(s)
  • One outlet location but no more than 3 outlets
  • Passport photo of the business owner(s)
  • Capital Requirement of K 2000 for each outlet


Airtel Does Not Accept Applications For Airtel Money Agents In Individual Names.

An Airtel Money Agent Is Not Allowed To Recruit Sub-Agents Under His / Her Business Name.

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  1. Do you mean that l cannot register as a Airtel money agent alone or in another person’s name,is the k5,000 for the dealers capital or agent,if both then what about the k2,000 capital that you wrote for the agent

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