12 ways to win the YouTube Algorithm in Zambia


Keith Rainz

Learn how the YouTube algorithm works in Zambia and rank your videos fast for free with this 12 ways to win the YouTube Algorithm in Zambia post. The Chief Product Officer of YouTube said more than 70 per cent of the videos you see are from recommendations created by their algorithm-powered by artificial intelligence.

YouTube does not share the secrets behind its algorithm but it is an important factor to the success of a YouTube channel in Zambia. In this article, I’ll explain strategies that YouTube does talk about as well as theories they don’t talk about – but are still very likely to help you.

The purpose-to help you work with the YouTube algorithm, not against you.

The YouTube Algorithm in Zambia

Over time the YouTube algorithm always changes. But if you look at YouTube from a business viewpoint, their whole aim is to keep people on their site for as long as possible.

If you support YouTube with that goal, you’ll be rewarded by making users stay as long as possible on your page. And this will never change because the whole business model of YouTube is making people watch videos as long as possible.

This knowledge is your “North Star” and this is all secondary to the rest of the tips in this post.

How Do People Find Your YouTube Videos in Zambia?

There are 7 different places people can find your videos on YouTube:

  1. Recommended streams
  2. On the YouTube home page
  3. In trending streams
  4. Through channel subscriptions
  5. Through notifications
  6. From collaborations

If in all or only any of these categories you can perform well it can be very strong. The following tips will show you how to do this so your channel can expand.

How to win the YouTube Algorithm in Zambia?

1 Increase Retention

YouTube needs people to stay on YouTube for as long as possible, as we went over above. So the video retention is a significant metric for making recommendations.

If users stay for 95% of your video, it must be nice to recommend it to others by YouTube. When people leave your video by 50 per cent it shows YouTube that people don’t care about finishing your video.

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What is your typical video watch time? And how do you make it bigger? Use those tips to increase the length of your session:

2 Keep your video Opening Intros Short

If you have a long 30-second intro for each video you are likely to be missed by people-which affects your retention. Keep credits or intros short enough for opening and closing so no one has to miss it.

Short Attention Edit Spans.

Make sure your videos don’t contain sluggish or repetitive sections. People have short spans of attention so don’t give them any reason to skip or leave sections of your video altogether.

3 Use the 5 Second Rule in Zambia

Try telling viewers in the first 5-10 seconds of your video that they need to watch the whole thing. To give you one example, you can create a 5-second suspenseful preview of what’s to come.

4 Watch Your YouTube Analytics

Numbers do not lie. Pay attention to when your viewers leave, how long they are watching, and see what you can do in future videos to boost that.

5 Provide what the title means

If you’re making titles for clickbait make sure your videos deliver what’s promised. If they don’t perform then the viewer will not watch your uploads in the future and you will be negatively impacted.

6 Create Longer Videos if it Makes Sense in Zambia

Making videos longer is the best way to boost your time at the watch time. The hard part is that they have to be just as engaging so users stick around. Many top goals of YouTuber for 10-minute videos-they think this is an ideal algorithm length.

7 Like to Dislike Ratio

Often a high dislike ratio will cause people to leave the video instantly. 

8 Use Call To Actions (CTA) in your videos

As the saying goes, “Ask and you’ll get.” CTA works and they operate when it’s done well. But they only work if you do it again and again.

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Make sure that you keep telling the viewers what you want them to do. To YouTube, obvious CTA’s are:

Hit the like button now

Hit the notification icon now

Subscribe, comment, share now

When users take action on this it helps your channel in every way. All it takes is 5 seconds to say it in your videos in Zambia.

9 Make Your Channel Binge-Worthy in Zambia

Have you ever noticed a show on Netflix or a new YouTube channel you just can’t get enough of? And so you binge for hours?

If you can create content like that you are very skilled at your craft and you will win no matter what.

Ultimately , the quality of the videos is what makes viewers want to watch more so that should always be the main priority. But here are some basic ideas for getting your viewers to stay longer on your channel:

Creating video sequence (part 1,2,3). If you want an example to research, Shane Dawson did that exceptionally well.

Promote your videos around boundaries. If it comes up , for example, mention of all other videos you’ve made.

Strategically use the end-screens. Show users what they think they want to watch next or something complimenting the video they’ve just seen.

You can link the summary to your best videos. For example say, “Check out my most famous videos …”

10 Create a High Click Through Rate (CTR) now

Make your title and thumbnail very clickable and attractive. If it catches people’s attention immediately and gets more clicks then YouTube will continue to recommend it.

The only way to know how the thumbnail and title performs is by divided research.

For example, you can use Google Adwords to test some thumbnail options. Set a $5-$10 regular budget and you’ll see the thumbnail has the highest View-through-rate (VTR). Then try to learn which elements create success in your thumbnails, and use it for future thumbnails.

11 Keep it PG, maybe in Zambia

YouTube established stricter standards in 2019 and began prioritizing content that was positive and family friendly to the “advertiser.”

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This move was the beginning of several videos being demonetized as it had sworn that if the material was controversial it would have those terms in the title, and so on. In addition, YouTube’s algorithm will no longer support any of those “borderline” content.

Stick within the laws and guidelines of YouTube if you want to be on the safe side. Some outlets, however, swear and are controversial, and continue to be popular.

No better or worse, anyway. What matters most is to remain honest with your audience so you have to determine what that means and looks like for your site.

12 post more YouTube Videos in Zambia

New videos get an extra push when they come out and are much more likely to be recommended. But obviously, by posting more often you can take advantage of that.

Try posting as much as possible while preserving the quality of your videos. Everyone’s channel is different, so for some, it means 1 video a week, for some, it is possible to do a regular vlog and for others, it will publish once a month.

Post as much as you can according to your schedule and without sacrificing the quality of the video.


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Keith Rainz

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