But keep in mind that it’s not as straightforward as it’s said. Company typically has problems, what distinguishes a businessman from the rest is how you work out those.

What you should know about copying other’s business ideas

You can’t make a profitable company that is built on someone else’s thoughts. What I am willing to do with K2000 is not something you can do with that. But even if we’ve told you what business you should do, if you don’t know how to do it, it’s going to be a waste of time and money.

Using the imagination, and come up with your own stuff. Image how you’re going to do it in your head, and expand the K2000. That way, your K2000 is more likely to rise.

Give me K2000 today and I’d grown it to K2500 by the time we wake up tomorrow. That’s a 25 per cent bonus, so you guess what? I know exactly what I’d be doing with that money. I know the person that I’d purchase and sell it to, and you don’t have any details about it.

Never start a company according to what people think or tell you. You are not them and you don’t have the same desires. I will show you how to do business so you can’t be told when to do business. That’s totally your decision.

What business can I do with K5000 Zambia Kwacha?

Just read one of my posts below

What business can I start doing in K8000 in Zambia?

Same as this.

What business can one start with K10,000 in Zambia?

Also applies here.

Profitable Businesses To Start In Zambia With K2000, K5000, k8000,k10,000

The current situation in Zambia has encouraged many Zambians to begin their own business. Do many people wonder what company would one start with this amount of range in Zambia? Business Ideas to Launch In Zambia at k2000 or any amount below K20000:


With an investment ranging from ZMW 2,000 to ZMW 50,000, there are various business opportunities that a Zambian entrepreneur can consider. Here are some ideas across different sectors:

  1. Retail Store: Open a small retail store selling everyday items like groceries, household goods, or clothing. You can start with a niche market or focus on providing specific products to differentiate yourself from larger competitors.
  2. Food Stall or Catering Service: Start a food stall or offer catering services, specializing in local cuisine or a specific type of food such as sandwiches, barbecue, or baked goods. This can be operated from a fixed location or as a mobile service.
  3. Mobile Phone Accessories: Set up a small shop or online store offering mobile phone accessories such as cases, chargers, screen protectors, and headphones. This business can cater to the growing demand for smartphone accessories.
  4. Farming or Agricultural Ventures: Utilize the investment to start a small-scale farming operation, focusing on crops or livestock that are in demand in your area. This could include poultry farming, vegetable cultivation, or fish farming.
  5. Beauty and Salon Services: Open a beauty salon or barbershop, offering services such as haircuts, hairstyling, manicures, pedicures, and facials. You can also sell related products like hair care or skincare items.
  6. Event Planning: Start an event planning business, organizing and managing weddings, parties, corporate events, and conferences. This would involve coordinating with vendors, arranging decorations, and ensuring a smooth event experience.
  7. Printing and Copying Services: Establish a printing and copying shop that offers services like document printing, photocopying, binding, and laminating. Additionally, you can provide design services for business cards, flyers, and banners.
  8. Online Store or E-commerce: Launch an online store selling products of your choice, whether it’s electronics, clothing, accessories, or handmade crafts. Platforms like social media, websites, or online marketplaces can help you reach customers.
  9. Cleaning Services: Start a cleaning service that caters to residential or commercial clients. Offer services like general cleaning, deep cleaning, window cleaning, or specialized cleaning for specific industries.
  10. Education and Tutoring: Provide tutoring or coaching services in subjects you excel at or offer specialized courses. You can conduct these sessions in person or online, targeting students or individuals seeking to learn new skills.

Remember, thorough market research, understanding customer needs, and developing a solid business plan are crucial for any business venture. It’s also important to comply with local regulations, obtain necessary licenses, and adapt your business to the specific conditions and demands in your area.

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13 thoughts on “What business can I start with a K2000 in Zambia?”

  1. I prefer k10’000 thousands to start the business, which is I can show invest the money in mobile money businesses, I can rent the booth at k300 kwacha and I remain with k8,000 thousands as capital and how be making k5,000 per month if I remove the money for rental k300 how remain with k4,700 as profit, if like it you can call on 0966999158

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