How to Install MT4 & MT5 on LInux: Ubuntu and Debian

Here is how you can begin trading with your linux computer by downloading and installing Metatrader 4 or 5. Unfortunately, Metaquotes has not developed any Linux version of MT4 or MT5. For this to work, I am going to show you how you can install the same MT4 or MT5 for Microsoft Windows OS on Linux, that is Ubuntu and DEbian systems.

How do you run windows apps on LInux?

Well it’s possible by installing a compatibility layer that allows application software developed for Microsoft Windows to run on Unix-like operating systems. A good example of this is a sofware called WINE.

How does Wine work?

how does wine work?
how does wine work?

Instead of simulating internal Windows logic like a virtual machine or emulator, Wine translates Windows API calls into POSIX calls on-the-fly, eliminating the performance and memory penalties of other methods and allowing you to cleanly integrate Windows applications into your desktop.


How to Install MT4 or MT5 on LInux: Ubuntu and Debian

How to Install MT4 or MT5 on LInux: Ubuntu and Debian
How to Install MT4 or MT5 on LInux: Ubuntu and Debian

1. How to install MT5 on Ubuntu

Open your terminal and paste the command below. You don’t have to install Wine. The script below will install everything for you.

Ubuntu: wget ; chmod +x ; ./

Debian: wget ; chmod +x ; ./

If you are not able to copy the commands above, simply download the TXT file having all codes.

2. How to install MT4 on Ubuntu

Open your terminal and paste the command below. You don’t have to install Wine. The script below will install everything for you.

Ubuntu: wget ; chmod +x ; ./

Debian: wget ; chmod +x ; ./

After the installation is done, simply go to your app list and you will see it.


Now you can click on it to open and go through the installation process and search for your broker. The appearance is going to be slightly different but it’s going to work just fine.

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  1. It only seems to want to connect to Admirals AU, which is the only company in the list to connect an account.

    My Account is with XM. How to connect?

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