Category Reviews

SmartCrawl VS Yoast SEO

When you are deciding between Yoast SEO and Smartcrawl, there are a lot of factors that need to be considered. The first decision, obviously, is whether you want to go with a manual campaign or an automatic one. If you…

SmartCrawl WordPress Plugin Review

SmartCrawl WordPress Plugin Review

For anyone who is interested in blogging for profit or even just to earn some extra cash online, SmartCrawl WordPress Plugin is a must read. This article is not written by or checked for accuracy by a professional. Please do…

The Best Way To Get The Best Canva Alternatives

For many web designers, the choice between Canva and Microsoft Office is a no-brainer. However, the truth is that not everyone can be successful with either one. Each of these tools was created by highly experienced graphic designers with years…

Best Gmail Alternatives in 2021

In this article we will be discussing the best Gmail Alternatives in 2021. Google is about to make a big change with the way we use our email accounts and that is an exciting change. The change will allow Gmail…

Website Host Comparison: A2 Hosting Vs SiteGround

Which hosting company should you choose between SiteGround and A2 Hosting? The answer basically boils down to price. SiteGround is considerably cheaper than A2 Hosting, and they provide the same level of hosting services. However, when it comes to features,…