blockchain technology in Zambia


Keith Rainz

Learn what blockchain technology in Zambia is.

Blockchain technology deals with distributed public data books that never change transactions.

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are the most common instances of blockchain use, but blockchain technology has a number of uses. The possible benefits of blockchain technology have been explored in purposes such as data storage, financial transaction and many other applications.

A blockchain is a tamper-evident, digital leader which records public or private transactions in a peer-to-peer network. The ledger indefinitely distributes the background of the resource transactions between the peers in the network to all participant nodes in the network in a series of cryptographic hash-linked block chain.

From the beginning of the chain to the most current building blocks, therefore the blockchain name, all confirmed and validated transaction packages are linked. The blockchain therefore functions as a common source of truth, and users of a blockchain network can access only such transactions.

Member nodes in a blockchain network use the consensus protocol to decide on ledger material, cryptographic exploits and digital signatures for maintaining the validity of payment, instead of depending on a third party, such as a financial institution to mediate transactions.


Ensures accurate copies of the shared leadgers and reduces the danger of fraudulent transactions as manipulation is to take place simultaneously across many places.

Cryptographic hashes

Like a computer algorithm called SHA256, make sure any changes— even the most minute changes — to transaction input result in the calculation of a different hash value which indicates a possible input of the transaction. Virtual signatures guarantee payments come from senders and not importers (signed with private keys).

The decentralized peer-to-peer blockchain network prevents any participant or group of participants from controlling or undermining the underlying infrastructure. All network participants are equal and follow the same protocols. They can be individuals, state stakeholders, organizations or all these kinds of participants.

The process primarily tracks the chronological order of transactions with every node deciding that transactions are true using the chosen consensus template. It resulted in payments not altering or eliminating unless all participants of the network commit to the switch in a following contract.

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Keith Rainz

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