Are you a student just starting out in college, or are you already a student? Either way, it is important that you make sure you choose the best web hosting for students because they make your web experience as easy as possible. Students are often some of the hardest consumers out there. Not only have they chosen the best web hosting for students but we have also got some great and completely free options for you to try.
The first free hosting plan for students that we’re going to look at is the no deposit student hosting plan. This type of plan is perfect for the student that just starting out because they don’t want to have to worry about a monthly bill. Basically, these types of websites provide you with unlimited email accounts as well as unlimited bandwidth and storage space. This one is ideal for the student that might not necessarily need a lot of bandwidth, but they do need some email accounts.
The next two free web hosting services that we’re going to look at are shared and virtual. With a shared web hosting service, the student can share one server with many other students on campus. In addition to providing the best web hosting services for students, this is also the cheapest option because there are usually no hidden fees.
Next up is in motion. Inmotion is a siteground that provides you with unlimited web hosts. It is a fairly new company, so you shouldn’t be afraid of trying it out. The notion web hosts have been around longer than most of the other sites ground and also they have some pretty impressive customer support. This is definitely one of the best web hosts for students that you can find.
One final site that I want to mention is cPanel. Many people don’t realize it but cPanel actually offers a lot of tools for free. These include a free website builder and an automated backups service. The inmotion hosting team also provides some added features such as an instant login page and free domain name.
Uptime is very important to students because their time is very valuable. They want websites that will be live and accessible at all times. The problem is that most free website builders are extremely slow. If you’re lucky to get an unlimited host, your website might load just as fast as three or four others that are paid hosts. So how important is time to your websites?
Well, the speed of your website is important to you because it determines how much you can earn. However, time also plays an important role. If your student website gets hundreds of visitors per day, they might not be able to afford the best provider so you must choose carefully. The best providers offer round-the-clock uptime.
As you can see there are quite a few things that go into website hosting. The fact is that there are a lot of different website hosting features out there. Your job is to analyze which ones are most important to your websites. This can take a while but when you have made the right decision, you’ll definitely be glad that you decided to switch to a paid host.
The most important thing to consider is bandwidth. Bandwidth limits differ from server to server. Some servers can provide you with unlimited bandwidth, while others might only give you a certain amount per month. As a result, it really pays to do some research before signing up for web hosting services. There are packages that offer a lot more bandwidth, but you might have to pay a higher price.
You also want to make sure that you are getting the best hosting plan. You can find free domain names by searching the internet. A student discount package usually allows you to use the name that you have chosen. However, the domain must be used on a monthly basis for it to keep the student discount. If you purchase the domain name in a shared package, you will not be able to use a name that is already owned by another website.
Another great feature is uptime. When the site is down, you are not paying any money. This will save you a lot of money every month. If you purchase power plans with a one-month to year subscription, you will be able to purchase the domain name, create the site, upload your content and publish it for free. After one year, you will be able to purchase the annual power plan that will allow you unlimited downloads, pages and activities for one full year.