How To Start A Business With No Money Or Capital In Zambia

Learn How To Start A Business With No Money Or Capital In Zambia.

I was trapped in debt of half a million dollars. This was my own work; not everything would come together in a single shot, but marriage, raising a son, and getting our own house. I have to admit that we should have been more wise about our lives, particularly in Singapore where housing isn’t cheap (would have been fortunate to find an 800 ft. HDB flat at US$ 180,000).

My husband and I both were independent graphic artists at the time. The thing is that you can work and earn as much as possible for many customers, but you can serve other customers in one day.

My clients were also free to avoid working with us as a freelancer. Well, in any company, this can also happen. But our mistake was due to our failure to notify our customers about our service to protect new customers ‘flow.

Somehow my first son was born in 2013 and all of my clients immediately started working with us. The standard of our service wasn’t about it, not that we were doubtful or timid. And it happened that they had nothing to do with architecture.

I was so overwhelmed with baby-sitting and our previous work that I decided to give up all freelance design. I was in a situation where I no longer trusted in the graphic design industry and it was the hardest work ever.

We were doomed somehow. Imagine this: We got a big mortgage loan, debts on the credit card, a kid to raise, raise us and we didn’t have any work. We were blessed by a roof over our heads, a credit card, a phone, internet and each other. We were blessed. That is it! This is it!

I’ve been a crazy cow, and the first thing I’ve done was hit Google to find “faster cash earns” and the results were to buy promising millions of items. Those people in business were funny! People like me are struggling so poorly, where do we find the money for making them richer and nothing to eat in the day?

Possibly just every day in a similar situation and not even enough to keep the light burning, would you be in a position to do so. Nonetheless, you may have seen suggestions to pick up this new experience or to advertise or to hang around people smarter than you. It’s hard for me to bring you out of anything that feels like strong rain, I’ve been there.

Such gurus might say the right things, but they might change their circumstances. All of them I met were good and said they had nothing. Nonetheless, when I asked one of them how she started when she had no income, she said that her husband had worked for a big company and helped support her ambitions as a businessman. I figured it would have been so much simpler if I were in her case.

No cookie cutter advice was available. But I had to do with what I had with the internet and a laptop, decent enough to start. The first thing I did was spend a week reading and listening to books, blogs and Podcasts about my own ships.

That week I was getting debts from my credit card, but I knew I was getting into great content to feed my brain with ideas about our bad situation. These contents included interviews with the entrepreneur on fire podcast by John Lee Dumas, as well as books by Jim Rohn and Tony Robbins.

I wasn’t completely calm at that time. While taking action on my life, at the back of my mind was a wild panic mode in top gear. Thoughts like: What if we didn’t get customers quickly enough?

What if it doesn’t work out things?

What if our families get worried and force us to find a job?

What if we had to claim bankruptcy?

We were living in fear and insecurity. Not just because we didn’t have money, it was partly due to my desire to prove to myself that I find success in my own terms and also because we didn’t know if what we did would leave us worse off.

Next, I did tons of exercises as mentioned on the books and blogs mentioned by the successful people I followed. Listed below are those that worked for me out of the massive bulk of advice you see out there.

Know your genius zone or skills

This is the location where you cross the market with your expertise and passions. In many words, ask yourself, what are many people expecting of all the things you want to do and do very well?

In my situation, since 2005 I have been free-lance, but when I got out of school and rared to go, I was young. I didn’t really know what I was doing then, though I had been around for several years. In 2013, I was confused about where freelance design took me when things were in disarray. This exercise was therefore short enough to convince me whether I would continue to do business in design or not. I have mentioned such items as graphics and web design, sport and fitness, mental strength, gaming and food. There were two things for me, graphic design and mental power. They were both tops.

Following this workout, I launched my own mental tougheness podcast in the athletic world to cure my own itch. I entered several Facebook groups and actually engaged in talks thanks to the suggestion of John Lee Dumas. I have found out that after a few days of contact, many have asked for feedback and votes to choose the best podcast art, logo and other graphics. Many even wanted guidance on the kind of design that works out well. That’s when I began to say what I know to help.

Do free work or volunteer and freelance first in Zambia

It really helps to get your name out there in a small community that you are successful at something. I was not a podcasting expert and just started a podcast after a while searching for something that could be helpful for me to make money, probably through advertising or affiliate ads. I eventually supported people once more with their design work and was compensated again and respected.
But, at the beginning I wasn’t paid.

Yet I didn’t look as one, because I was desperate. I started to provide free information about what I know based on the Facebook Group’s problems. Only start providing your service for a while to create trust for free. Later it could be turned into a corporation.

You should start making deals on the basis of your genius zone as a freelancer. In my situation, this means that my services are customized to consumer requests. This implies that each specification can be very different and must be tailored to a specific customer.

The first thing that I thought about was when I started freelancing. And from logo design to packaging to illustration, I did everything. I will charge someone for work in return for so long as I could use software that I am an expert in (i.e. Adobe). If you want to begin in the same way, you know that the first year of art school is identical. That is because you are in the arts, including painting sketches, open to many things.

You will cover everything from your finances to the design and final production as part of your freelance work. You will find a good base to live properly, pay off your charges and basic needs first. It is an excellent starting point.

Prospecting in Zambia

In order to test what my favorite podcasters websites have like lead magnets, workbooks, ebooks, cheatsheets or anything I can give in the field of graphism, I did not just enter Facebook groups as stated in the first phase. Then I had to work on these stuff without first telling them. I always wanted to develop their designs.

Upon done, I sent a message and allowed them to use the artwork in any way they wished. This is it. That’s it. Be prepared, however, that not everyone is willing to buy. Timing will play a role often. They are able to do it themselves or need no better designs. I have provided answers. You are appreciative and we stay in touch.

People work with people they know and have faith. When I began, viewpoints didn’t know me, allowing me to get to know each other better by giving my free time. That was my chance to learn what works for these people after I got my foot in the door. Then, as much as I was able to understand what separates me from others.

This is a good way to develop your professional portfolio, create trust with more people, and then become a successful business.

In other words: where are you seeing yourself in 90 days, 12 months, 24 months and more? In other words: Where do you see yourself?

Although this would be where we would tell the most self-proclaimed gurus of success, they would normally say something like “Start in mind.” Don’t make a mistake, it’s a necessary move, but I purposely put it down and rewrote it.

How does this happen? I don’t want to lie. I don’t want to lie. I read loads of books with the hope of starting a business without money, but, when I can’t go beyond just putting food on the table, people tell me to see my suffering. What do I think about the future when I seem to be at the end of the road? Honestly, only after I had many clients working with me daily and paying me ample money to eat and live happily did I start with the end in mind.

Several times when I started worrying about the end, I was overthinking and spent more time questioning if I began the right way with the end in mind. You wish you had a coach to tell you this if you are in a similar situation. I’m sure you hear ideas for recruiting a coach everywhere. But how can you recruit one without the money? For a coach, who will tell you whether or not what you think is the right way?

That being said, once I realized that I’m provided with at least a month of food, shelter and utility bills, my emotions were calmer, and my mind more focused about taking my time to “see.” There’s no need to complicate this phase based on my background. Any target of making 1 million dollars in 6 months in stuff like flying around the world in 30 days is simple to achieve.

Arbitrary numbers are required, but the most important part is to believe that you have always wanted to be here already. For example, if you want to create a profitable business, see where you would be, if your business is already profitable. You need to be seen right at the end of the tunnel and to look as closely as possible at what you are doing at that stage.

In summary, the best way to continue, no matter how despairing you are, is to put yourself out, no matter how desperate you are. You can make a good friend by playing your helping hand to someone you know. Serving them with all the knowledge you know if you need assistance that is inside your genius range, imagine where you want to be every day. You’re off to the track, this is when.

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