How to Set up and Configure WordPress SMTP on Server & Using Plugin in 2025

Learn How to Set up and Configure WordPress SMTP on Server & Using Plugin in 2025 easily and fast.

The mail) (feature none of the most popular ways to send emails in PHP projects. PHP mail) (is not, however, suitable for larger volumes according to the official documentation. It should be noted that the mail) (function is not ideal for larger email volumes in a loop. This feature opens and closes a not very powerful SMTP socket for every text.

The PHP discourages the use of mail) (for a large amount of e-mails, as you can see. PHP developers are encouraged to explore other choices.

By default, WordPress uses PHP mail) (to send e-mails, such as user register, order confirmation, forget password, etc. Standard WordPress E-mail configuration. E-mails are classified as spam much of the time.

I’m explaining in this Guide why such e-mails are classified as spam and how you can increase distribution of e-mail via your site with a WordPress SMTP service provider.

Why WordPress Emails Get Marked as Spam?

You may have found the spam and junk folders contained emails from your WordPress website. For certain instances, it happens that each user has the same IP server address on a shared WordPress hosting network. Today, when one of the users with the IP is marked as spam, the entire server is marked as spam.

Thus, irrespective of what happens, any mail received from the web server will be identified and classified as spam from the providers of an e-mail service, such as Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, and so on. If that is the case, the explanation that is most likely is that the IP of the server is spammed or the server does not send e-mails. Another significant explanation is the hosting provider’s blocking of the respective channel.

This guide is explicitly for you if your WordPress email is classified as spam, and/or subscribers do not receive emails.

How to Use SMTP for WordPress Emails

SMTP stands for the protocol for quick mail transfer. It is a software used to contact the end user or the intermediate server from the hosting site.

You can customize and send all outgoing emails with a variety of WordPress SMTP plugins via an SMTP service provider. You can configure SMTP on your hosting site, as well. This prevents your emails from ending up in the recipient’s spam / junk tab.

With regard to WordPress, I think SMTP is a strong alternative to the PHP mail feature. When it’s set up correctly, all outgoing emails are sent via the SMTP server to make sure the email comes from an approved source.

Let’s start by setting SMTP settings for WordPress first on a server. Later, via WP Mail SMTP (a SMTP plugin), we will set up SMTP.

How to Configure Mailgun SMTP for WordPress

Mailgun is a Rackspace-owned e-mail automation company. Mailgun is one of the strongest SMTP providers for WordPress. You can easily send, receive, monitor, store and distribute e-mails and you can send updates, announcements or any information you want to send to your subscribers.

Mailgun also has the benefit of sending 5,000 FREE emails a month without needing a credit card, but limited to 300 messages a day. See the info here and they have an outstanding pricing model if you need more addresses.

First and foremost, you must have a Mailgun account. Upon formation, sign in and visit the dashboard Mailgun on your Mailgun account. I need to add my domain name to Mailgun, because I want to use my domain name to send e-mails. Click the “Select new domain” button from the top menu bar to Domains.

When adding a new domain name, you might need to add a credit card.

When added, Mailgun recommends the smooth processes by checking the domain name. Here is a good guide on how to search your Mailgun domain. Contact your DNS server for assistance if you have any questions.

Below are some explanations why the domain needs to be reviewed.

Verified domains do not have a cap of 300 emails per day released.
Do not send footer text to your e-mails via
The traffic sent from verified domains in Mailgun is less suspicious.
I assume the guide was followed by you and the domain name checked. To get SMTP credentials, navigate to the top-down domain name

(3) and then press SMTP credentials (3)

in SMTP Collection

(1)-> Domain Settings (2).

Copy and paste the Cloudways application to e-mail address

(5). Click the Reset Password button to obtain a password

(6). The Cloudways application will create a password, copy and paste it.

Navigate to Domain Sending-> Domains to update DNS records and access the essentials.

How TO Configure SendGrid SMTP for WordPress

Close to Mailgun, SendGrid is a cloud-based SMTP service for sending and receiving large numbers of e-masters. SendGrid is perfect for marketing and transactional emails without thinking about the spam emails.

The value of SendGrid is illustrated here: More than 58,000 paying customers use SendGrid to send more than 35 billion e-mails per month.

SendGrid also offers a free trial package with 40,000 addresses, 30-day free of charge and 100 addresses / day free of charge for ever and ever.

First of all, you need to build a SendGrid account.

Note: Login with the same email address you want the From E-mail to run. Note: Within the next few steps, these two emails will suit.

I assume that you created a SendGrid account and are linked to the SendGrid dashboard. Open the menu in the left pane and enter the Setup Guide. To connect using our Web API or SMTP Relay, press Start where it says.

How to Configure Gmail SMTP for WordPress

Here is a step-by-step guide to setup of Gmail SMTP on your computer.

Read these instructions carefully before setting up Gmail SMTP.

You need to create a specific password and record it, as it is necessary for different password fields when you have enabled the two factor authentication on your GMail accounts.
You need to simply allow access to less secure applications from here if you have not enabled Two-Factor Authentication. Click on the Turn On button.
To access your Gmail account, you must require your server. If more than one Gmail account has been fused with, log in to the main account and open this page.
Let’s install Gmail SMTP on the server without further delay.

Return to the Cloudways portal to see that the Gmail SMTP options are not available. Choose the Other option in order to set up Gmail SMTP on the server and enter the following details:

  • Host:
  • Port: 465
  • Username: Your Gmail Email Address
  • Password: Your Gmail Password

All programs can use these WordPress SMTP settings by setting up SMTP on a server. Make sure that every application updates its From Address.

Create a mail address that will be shown as a “From address” for any transactional (SMTP)/outgoing email. Please use your account to search the client settings to see the ADDRESS FROM.

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