How to Create a Webinar That Rises to Big Profits


Keith Rainz

If you own a company that’s considering investing in webinars as part of its marketing strategy, you may be wondering: How do I make a webinar? What’s the big deal? Webinars allow you to reach hundreds of people without your product or service ever having to see the individual face to face. They can be used for training, for promotion, for presenting the latest highlights of your products and services, for promoting special offers or discounts, for sharing a presentation with friends, and more.

Webinars provide companies with many of the best ways to market to prospects and increase customer satisfaction. Webinars opens up tons of new opportunities for companies of any size and at any level of operation. Here are some of the best ways to make a webinar:

Share important information with your audience. A good webinar format should always include some way for interested parties to get in on the conversation. This could be through a blog, a Q&A section, social media, or another similar integration. Sharing a blog post with your audience in a live event is one of the best ways to share important information with a live audience.

Create a bond with your audience. Your webinar audience is likely your target audience, but they’re also likely other interested parties from around the world. By setting up an interactive channel on your website, you can let your audience know that you have something in common with them or that you’re looking to work together. This is a great way to build a strong relationship with your online sales team and one of the best ways to create a successful webinar.

Set up your webinar registration process. Some webinar hosts automatically charge attendees for each session unless they opt-in to receive special email or content updates. Other hosts send out reminder emails, which remind attendees about their registration. Either way, your attendees will know about the date, time, and link where they can register. Remember to remind yourself too!

Make use of your single-speaker presentations. Single-speaker presentations (or blogs) are often the most effective means of presenting and sharing information. Because they’re so stand-alone, there’s no chance for content or introspection, meaning your audience will easily tune out distractions as they listen to you speak. If your webinar includes a Q&A portion, then you’ll want to keep track of how many questions were answered and when. Making sure you have the data for each question you answered will help you with your follow-up.

Build a sales page. If you follow through on the promise your webinar provides, some attendees will be motivated to join your list or purchase your products. Making sure your webinar has a sales page and encourages people to sign up to your list will get you more sign-ups and more prospects.

Showcase your skills. Your presentation should be focused on the topic you’ve chosen, but it should also include some content that your team members will find interesting and informative. Have your team members read through the slides deck and answer the questions posed. This will reinforce the importance of your topic for your team members and will make sure you don’t leave anyone hanging.

Follow up. Your landing page will help you remind people interested in joining your list how to join. Send them a pre-launch email with information about the webinar and a link to your registration page and links to any other pages you’ll be hosting. Include a reminder email for each person who opted in to your list to confirm their attendance. This is a good time to send out a post-launch promotional email to all the people who signed up to your list.

Create LinkedIn profiles. Many of your attendees will have linkedin accounts, which you can include on your landing page. LinkedIn makes it easy for your audience to contact your team members with a simple click of a button. When they opt in, you can then send them a” invites” or “announcement” email to tell them they’re already registered. The same goes for your webinars.

Use social media channels. Twitter and Facebook make it easy for your audience to stay up to date on what’s going on with your company. If you have an official Twitter account, add a post at regular intervals to let your followers know what’s going on with your webinar. If you have a Facebook page, set up a post to share the URL to your webinar so attendees can quickly see when it’s happening and RSVP. Lastly, send out reminder emails to your registrants to remind them of your webinar.

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Keith Rainz

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