Blogging Vs YouTube – Why You Should Use Both Blogs and Video Sites to Get Paid Online


Keith Rainz

Blogging Vs YouTube; Should one go for a new blog when somebody needed to begin all over again, or start a new YouTube channel? This is all a matter of opinion, as both have their own merits and demerits. It is always better to know for sure which you should select. Here is some personal background from those who either already have a blogging site or YouTube Channel or both.

Blogging Vs YouTube: Is Blogger or WordPress more suitable to be the blogging platform for you? Both platforms allow you to monetize your content and both can be used successfully. You need to do a little research to find out what best suites your needs and which platforms to suit your particular business requirements the most.

Affiliate Marketing Vs Blogging Vs YouTube: Is Blogger or WordPress the better affiliate marketing platform to use? Both are viable platforms for affiliate marketing and both have their own strengths and weaknesses. You may be able to earn more with a WordPress blog and vice versa for a YouTube video (or vice versa). You can make the most amount of money by focusing on a niche market, but the affiliate commissions are also very nice.

Which Blogging Vs YouTube should I use? In my opinion, Blogger is better suited to bloggers as it gives you total freedom over the design and format of your website. With the added features that are offered, you can create your own blog in the comfort of your own home at any time you like. If you are writing and publishing articles regularly then YouTube might be a better option for you as it gives you more opportunities to create high quality videos and with more potential audience. But in the end, it really depends on your purpose and what you’re after.

How can I create my own account? YouTube is great as long as you remember to research your niche market first and that you are targeting the right audience. When it comes to blogging, you’re writing and publishing articles for the world to read and view. You don’t necessarily want to target niche audiences only, as there are many youtubers out there who are not targeting a specific niche. This is why it’s better to focus on a larger audience and to engage your readers in a dialogue so that they will most likely become repeat visitors. Learn how to run youtube ads.

There are many options when it comes to blogging and there are many pros and cons for each. Ultimately, the choice will depend on how you plan on using your blog or how you intend on publishing your videos. YouTube might be the easiest option for those of us who enjoy blogging, creating content, and posting to our blogs to generate traffic, but it’s important to consider what your options are and weigh your pros and cons. While YouTube does have its pros and cons, the number of people that use this platform makes it one of the largest and fastest growing social networking sites. So if you want to dominate the online internet with your information, take advantage of every advantage you can get.

Blogging Vs YouTube

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Keith Rainz

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