Are you a blogger in Zambia? or have a website and struggling with traffic to your website in Zambia?, here are the 10 ways to drive free traffic to your website from Facebook in Zambia.
With more than 2 billion users logging in to Facebook every month, if you know how to use the platform to your advantage, the potential to drive massive traffic to your Zambia website is huge. You’ll learn 10 easy methods in this article to drive massive traffic from Facebook to your Zambia website!.
Getting more Facebook traffic in Zambia is crucial because ultimately your website is where people will spend money. But what is the reach of Facebook, and how should you get it as high as possible?
Your Facebook reach is about how many people of interest you are getting in contact with. If you want more traffic from Zambia’s Facebook this guide will show you how to do it.
1 Set up a Facebook fan page in Zambia
In Zambia, setting up a Facebook fan page is a must if you want to build your brand on Zambia’s Facebook. When setting up your Zambia Facebook page, make sure you ‘re using a banner image that showcases your Zambia branding. You can add the logo, tagline and colours of your mark to the image of the banner to make it your own.
2. Post consistently on your Facebook page in Zambia
If you want to grow your fan base on Facebook in Zambia, consistency is important. Post valuable stuff to your Zambia Facebook page. You can share links from your own blog or from other influential people, for example (and let them know you’ve shared it!). You can post quotes from photographs that are basically just photos with overlaid text on them. When posting stuff, make sure your brand is still relevant to what it’s all about.
3. Ask your Zambian followers to share your content with their followers on Your Facebook page
If you give your followers in Zambia plenty of value content, then there’s nothing wrong if you ask them to share it with their friends, especially if you know they’re going to benefit from it, you can get more traffic in return.
4. Set up contests on your Facebook page in Zambia and give away free stuff
In Zambia, people love free stuff. Let your fans and followers on Facebook know you’re giving away something useful for free on a particular date. Say they have to click a link to your website to join the Zambia contest. The winner will then be announced on your Facebook page. Ensure they are tagged in your post. Then ask the winner to take a photo of their prize in Zambia as proof that they actually won it.
5. Include a link to your website on your Facebook posts in Zambia
It should, of course, be mandatory to include a link to your Zambian website even if your Facebook fan page already has your site address on it. In Zambia, people will only see your Facebook page if they click through to your page. Otherwise, they’ll just see your posts. Make it easy for people to access your Zambia website by including your link in all of your posts.
6 Make Your Profile on Facebook in Zambia More Powerful
The first thing people see is your profile on Facebook in Zambia that’s under your control. It has to be as powerful as possible because first impressions mean absolutely all. Consumers in Zambia make assumptions about brands are mere seconds, so you need to give them a reason to start exploring more of your Zambia Facebook page. You need to make your current Facebook profile more attractive in Zambia but how are you going to do that?
Pack your profile full of information about your company and yourself. Explain exactly what you stand for, and what people in Zambia can expect when dealing with you.
7 Increase the Number of Fans on your Facebook page in Zambia
The number of fans you have on your Facebook page in Zambia does matter because people in Zambia are like sheep. If something is popular then people will be interested in it. It is like going to a restaurant that is empty. People won’t go inside, because they wonder what’s wrong with it. Fill up that restaurant and people start eating there.
Build your fan base by sharing your page with your friends, encouraging people to sign up into your Zambia website, and offering people incentives to do so. To increase your exposure, cross-promote your Facebook page with other social media networks in Zambia.
8 Build Relationships with Other Zambian Bloggers
Building relationships with other bloggers in Zambia is crucial because they will share your content on their Facebook pages, which will drive traffic to your website, either via your own Facebook page in Zambia or through direct links from other people’s pages in Zambia.
However, you are expected to reciprocate. Make sure you interact with bloggers only that your target audience will actually like Zambia. Be picky about who you’re dealing with, because in Zambia, too, if your customers hate them it will reflect badly on you.
9 Use Facebook Groups in Zambia to drive traffic
Zambia’s big-following Facebook groups are powerful tools to drive traffic to your Zambia web site. These are already established communities which thrive in Zambia. If your brand matches their interests, become active in those groups and start driving traffic steadily to your Zambia web site.
Don’t try to push the groups hard on your products. Act and give unsolicited advice like a real human being. Don’t speak for a company, instead speak as a person in the groups on your behalf.
Remember when brands speak people are naturally suspicious in Zambia.
10 Give People a Reason to leave Facebook and visit your website in Zambia
Surprising, a lot of people in Zambia are forgetting this part of the process. They fail to understand that they have to provide a reason for people to leave Facebook on their Facebook pages and visit their Zambian website. If you’ve already posted the complete blog post on your Facebook page, why would you click a link to go to the source?
Please make it clear on your Facebook page that your Zambian website has more value to have.
I hope these 10 tips will highly help you. If you have any other working ways, please feel free to comment them below to help other Zambian bloggers, if you need any help or partnering, WhatsApp me +260977770202
thanks bro it works very well
Very helpful man