Three Easy Ways to Make Money As a Student Abroad

Many people have the idea that South Africa is primarily an agricultural country, with a small number of developed cities like Cape Town being home to most of the world’s crop production. However, there are many other opportunities for students to make money while studying abroad in South Africa. One of the most obvious ways of making money is through doing volunteer work, which is becoming more popular with foreign students. Volunteering in South Africa offers a great opportunity to help people in need, as well as gaining valuable experience on one’s own. Whether you want to help children with their studies or just help build an aid center, South Africa has something that will suit your needs.

Another common way on how to make money in south Africa as a student is through the sales of products from your home country. It isn’t very difficult to start selling South African goods on eBay – all you need is a selling account and a bit of business savvy. Many popular online markets such as Zalestra have a marketplace where thousands upon thousands of people from all over the world can purchase products. If you are thinking of starting a home based business selling products in South Africa, this is a great way to get started.

The last major way on how to make money in south Africa as a student is to sign up with an affiliate program. These programs are becoming increasingly popular with college students looking to make some extra money when they come back home. By signing up for an affiliate program, you are essentially paid commissions for every sale you make – regardless if the product was purchased by a customer or by someone searching for information about that particular product.

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