How To Start A Modern Business In Zambia

Learn How To Start A Modern Online Business In Zambia

In this article, you will learn the following:

  • How to get your own website in Zambia
  • Where to hire freelancers and how to not get scammed in Zambia
  • How to learn to code mobile apps in Zambia
  • How to rank your website on Google easily
  • How to learn Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in Zambia
  • How to build backlinks to your website easily
  • best startup communities on the internet and how to join them in Zambia
  • Why you need to start your email list ASAP and how to do it in Zambia
  • Why you need a mentor and how to get one in your niche in Zambia
  • Why you need to document your journey when you’re first starting out and how to do it
  • What to do when you’re stuck on coding problems online

This guide is for everyone out there who wishes to start a business in Zambia

Now let us begin, perhaps you might be having a business idea and you need one to develop a website or app. I am a freelancer and I can help you with that, in case yo do not wanna hire me, check this below.

How to hire freelancers on Upwork and how to avoid getting scammed

Go to your Upwork settings account.

Set the settings to show you people who have received more than $1,000 while looking for freelancers and also make sure they have several positive reviews of their work.
Significant note when hiring freelancers: mind always ..
You get exactly what you’re paying for.
You may be tempted to try to save freelancers money .. But in my opinion this is a huge error.
When you’re starting an ecommerce company and you’re trying to cut corners to build your website on a cheap developer. They’re going to lose.
This lesson I learned the hard way.
If you’re trying to save money on freelancers, just remember this: the probability of finding a inexpensive, reliable freelancer who does awesome work is probably 1/100.
Take the time to find a freelancer who does not work for an monthly $1.
Instead of dealing with a bunch of freelancers in an effort to save money … make the investment in the right person and save time so that you can return to running your company.

make money in Zambia
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  • davey

    Have to take this more seriously

  • davey

    I just have to learn this