Standard Chartered Bank Zambia is giving away free money

Standard Chartered Bank Zambia is giving away money for free. Read this till the end to know-how. Some say banks are there to make you poor and control you. Since the coming of banks in the world, no bank has ever helped you to give you money for free. All banks simply take money away from you in the form of monthly fees, bank statement fees and loans. But today, I Keith, I am here to surprise you. I am happy to introduce to you the Bank that will give you free money in Zambia, Yes it is free money.

This bank is going to make you rich but not really a millionaire but it will help you give you up to ZMW 1000 per day. This bank is Standard Chartered Bank PLC Zambia. I myself Keith, I have a bank account with this same bank. This bank is so different from all these shitty banks we have in Zambia that even deducts money from your balance to check your balance. If you do not have a standard chartered bank account in Zambia, I encourage you to open an account today.

Let me tell you the reasons why you should switch to the standard chartered bank. 1. to open a bank account it is free. 2. You open a bank account online using the application that can be downloaded from app stores. 3. The account has no monthly or hidden fees. 4. When you open an account, they will deliver in person your visa card and other documents at your place. Does this sound fake? well, this is 100% true. So without wasting your time, let me show you how you can make money with this bank in Zambia. Standard chartered bank will pay you to refer anyone to their bank, this does not mean referring people to visit the bank but. To open bank accounts online.

If you already have a bank account with a standard chartered bank, simply log in using the app and copy your referral code. With this code, you can share it with anyone who wants to open a bank account, when one person opens a bank account, the standard chartered bank will pay you ZMW 100 per person or per two people. There is no maximum number of people you can refer to. So it is possible to make ZMW 1000 per day. Of course the pay you refer to need to have the following to open an account. 1. A smartphone with the app installed. 2. An NRC or national registration card. 3. Taxpayer identification number. To know more, click the link in the description. If you would like me to make a full video recording everything, simply share this link, comment below.

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