Is Being a Blogger in Zambia Worth It?



The big question of “Is being a blogger in Zambia worthy it?” is a common one. Most recently the country saw a change of government; its first President Mwai Kibaki was unseated by his former party members who later took over the National Assembly. Many people criticize this as an illegitimate government take over but the fact is that bloggers have a lot of freedom and the ones who dared to express their opinion are welcome to do so.

In this new era, the Zambian public is greatly interested in getting their information from well informed sources. The country has not only seen a tremendous growth in technological advancements but also has become dependent on technology for all its necessities. As a result, most Zambians have access to blogs and other online resources. Some bloggers see blogging as nothing more than an additional means of getting their information across to the general public and in this respect, they are correct. However, many see blogging as more than just another form of communication.

When bloggers get together to discuss issues pertaining to the Zambian society, they can do so with the full support and participation of the readers. This is why some bloggers even consider their work a social duty. This is because they are providing information and entertainment for people who otherwise would not be able to get their news from other media outlets. For this reason alone, Zambian bloggers have gained a strong following.

However, being a Zambian blogger is not without its own set of concerns and issues. One major concern that is raised is about the safety of bloggers in Zambia. A number of blogs have been hacked in the past, which has resulted in the loss of personal details and also photos. This has led to accusations of bloggers of being nothing more than cyber terrorists.

Another worry that is raised is the impact being a blogger can have on the Zambian economy. Many argue that bloggers do not play an important role in revitalising the economy. Zambian officials state that there are insufficient employment and poverty is on the rise, both in urban and rural areas. Bloggers who have lost their jobs say that they cannot find another job in Zambia as they cannot find a niche for themselves within the small market.

The lack of jobs is something many bloggers agree is the case. However, bloggers have begun setting up their own blogs in support of other bloggers who cannot find a job or who have been affected by the economic situation. To answer the question, is being a blogger in Zambia worthy it?

It is clear that there are many challenges involved in becoming a blogger in Zambia and that the dynamics of blogging will continue to change in the future. There is therefore no right or wrong answer to the question, is being a blogger in Zambia worthy it? It is something that all bloggers in the country should consider carefully before jumping into the bandwagon.

The most important thing that anyone thinking of blogging should keep in mind is that like anything else, being a blogger in Zambia is not easy. Successful bloggers will be those who are able to establish themselves in the community and have the perseverance to sustain the blogs over the long haul. Other bloggers will be those who simply do not have the time to maintain a blog and allow others to take over their work. For these individuals, the best answer is to set up their own blog and trust others to help them out.

Keith Rainz

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