If you are looking forward to starting a business in South Africa, there is nothing better than knowing as to how long it takes to register a trademark. This will give you an insight into what is required for you to have your own trademark in this country. Without the right to trademark your business will be very difficult to promote and if you want to expand your market, you have to ensure that your business has a recognizable name. This is where the process of registering a trademark begins.
The process of how long it takes to register a trademark in South Africa usually takes between three and twelve months. This depends on the complexity of the brand or mark you want to have registered. A trademark application will then be presented to the intellectual property office. Once there the trademark agent will search the Register of Trademarks of South Africa to find out if there are any existing patents and copyrights. If no such properties exist the agent will then have to search for an adequate intellectual property law information source which will provide him with enough knowledge to file the trademark application.
The most important aspect of trademark registration is that it needs to be handled by a reliable trademark agent who has a good track record. This is important because you do not want your trademark application to be rejected solely because the trademark agent is not reliable. Most likely, the trademark registration fee is a small portion of what the total cost of the trademark registration will be. So, if your budget allows you should hire a professional to help you register your trademark. This will also help you save time and money that you would have spent on the legal procedure.
It does not matter if you are planning to have your own company or working as an employee for another company the same procedure will apply. The first step is to search the Register of Trademarks of South Africa by using the search engine available at the Registrar of Trademarks’ Office’s website. Once the search results are displayed the name of the trademark applicant should be printed. The reason for this is so that you know that you are dealing with a reputable trademark registration company.
The next step is to visit the Trademark Registration office of the Patent and Trademark Office in SA. Here you need to present the complete business and trade name of the proposed trademark applicant. The name should include all variations of the name. Once all names are presented, make note of any words or terms that are not applicable. After making a few notes you need to make another visit to the office in SA and renew the application.
How long it takes to register a trademark in South Africa depends on the status of the trademark. A trademark applicant can have his trademark registered for a maximum of 20 years. This time period can be extended if the trademark applicant can provide additional information which supports the claim. A trademark is the legal name for a product or a set of products and services.
You can apply for a trademark online. There are many companies which offer online filing and renewals of trademarks. Just as with applying for a domain name, you should provide contact details and as much of the business and personal history of the trademark owner as possible. The fee for applying for a trademark in South Africa is Krandipattoole.
How long it takes to apply for a trademark in South Africa depends on whether the name you have chosen is unique and whether it is eligible for protection. It is not necessary that your chosen name will be protected if you do not protect it. If your chosen name is eligible for protection, you should register it with an adequate trademark registration agent. The registration process should not be rushed. Take the time to ensure that your trademark is properly registered and protected.