Learn How To Start An Airtel and MTN Mobile Money Business In Zambia, airtel mobile money in zambia, mtn mobile money in zambia, airtel money agent and how to get mtn and airtel money agent sim cards in Zambia.
Mobile Money in Zambia is an electronic money service that facilitates the sending, receiving and storage of money of telephone owners. The relative protection, ease of mobility and affordability of the service have enhanced it for all sections of society, ranging from rich to poor.
It is critical that we get to know some terminology before we proceed.
Airtel and MTN Money Agent in Zambia
An agent is an entity or business contracting for user transactions. Cash-in and cash-outs (that is to say loading and revoking money from the MM system) are the most important ones. Occasionally you sign new users, which earns you extra fee. We also advise customers how to use the service effectively as front line staff.
Airtel and MTN Money Dealer in Zambia
A dealer is an individual or organization responsible for the recruitment of new MM officers. Often this function is coupled with the role of a master agent.
Airtel and MTN Money Float
This is the balance of e-money or cash an agent can access to meet the customer requests to buy or sell electronic money immediately in MTN or Airtel money wallets.
How to become and MTN or Airtel Money agent in Zambia
You need to have the following basics: Two sim cards (Airtel and MTN). They constitute the largest networks and control at least 98%. Other players such as Africell remain insignificant.
Table of Display. You need a display table that not only stores your trade’s tools, but can also be supplied with additional items such as cellular phones, accessories like phone jackets, screen guards etc.
A double sim card mobile
A chair
Payment books Rental.
To know more how to become an agent, follow this link /http://keithrainz.me/how-to-become-an-airtel-money-agent-and-dealer-in-zambia/