A New Way To Make Money Online In South Africa

Here is A New Way To Make Money Online In South Africa. You may have received an email similar to this one with a list of 5 to 10 people on it and instructions to pay $1 to have the top one removed and your name added to the bottom of the list. It sounds like a fantastic idea when you think about it. However, not everyone is truthful, and some people simply add their name to the list, or even place it at the top, and send it off in the hopes of making some money.

mymoneylists.com is a site where you can access a group of people’s lists. Mymoneylists.com is a website where you can join any list that interests you. However, in order to be added to the list, you must pay the top-ranked username, or you will not be added. They uphold the law of playing HONESTLY AND FAIRLY.

There’s no catch, that’s all there is to it. Every list is monitored by mymoneylists.com to ensure that everything is in order and that no one can take advantage of the system. If you do not pay, you would not be able to join a list.

It’s well worth the $6.22 and 6 minutes it takes to send it back. This software WORKS; all you have to do is give it a shot and lose some money. You may be able to find $6.22 around the building. There is nothing you could possibly lose. Simply follow the three simple steps outlined below to make thousands of dollars in a matter of days, weeks, or months, depending on how many copies of this letter you post on message boards or send as e-mails.

Note: I’m not claiming that this will make anyone 800 grand, but even if just 1 out of every 200 people tries this software, you will still make 40,000 dollars in 1 to 6 months!!!!!!

You may also copy and e-mail this letter to some of your friends and associates; just replace the?SL= with your list number. It’s almost certain that some of them would be interested and willing to try it. In the long run, the more they do, the more money you raise.


  1. Go to the bottom of this page and click on the resource link. Create an account and finance it with PayPal.

Enter this list until the funds are in your account.

It’s well worth the $6.22 and 6 minutes it takes to send it back. This software WORKS; all you have to do is give it a shot and lose some money. Six dollars and 22 cents could be found lying around the building. There is nothing you could possibly lose. Simply follow the three simple steps outlined below to make thousands of dollars in a matter of days, weeks, or months, depending on how many copies of this letter you post on message boards or send as e-mails.

Spot And User are on the current list.

marky5 is number one.

  1. gentleman
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  2. After entering the mymoneylists.com list, they give $5 to the top-ranked username, delete that username from the list, move everyone else up one spot, and add the username to spot 5 or 10 depending on how large the list is.

After entering the list, go to My Account and click on the “My Lists” component, then “Promotional Templates.” This page serves as your list’s personal prototype. It should be copied and saved to a computer.

  1. After you’ve finished the instructions, go to (Google, Yahoo) and type in the letter template (Making Money Message boards, Money Message boards, Money forums, Free money forums or anything along the lines of forums). Start posting your copy of this message to as many different message boards as you can, if not more. The more times you share this on a different forum, the more money you’ll make.

You can e-mail your message to as many people as you want, but keep in mind that the more people you e-mail and post to, the more money you’ll make!.

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