4 Hacks to Attract More Coaching Clients

When you get to the point where you are able to coach a wide variety of clients, you may begin to feel as though you are being overwhelmed with what it takes to get everything done. As you are getting started with your own coaching practice, there will be times when you will have to learn a new trick or two to keep up with your clients’ needs and wants. To avoid becoming overwhelmed, here are 4 Hacks to Attract More Coaching Clients:

– Learn something new about your clients. As you are coaching clients looking for personal growth, you will likely come across ideas that they came up with on their own. Don’t let yourself get bogged down in explaining every single idea that you come across. If you can quickly explain why it’s a good idea, you’ll be able to help your clients move forward. You can even use some of the ideas as conversation starters.

– Put yourself in your clients’ shoes. Many people are simply too stubborn to change on some issues. If you have clients looking for growth or change, you can get them on the right track by helping them identify their own issues and concerns. This way, when they do bring up an issue, you can help them see where they are getting stuck and provide an honest answer to the problem.

– Don’t criticize your clients. Some people find criticizing others to be a difficult habit. If you are clients looking for personal growth to help, you may find that criticism to be counterproductive. You will also likely find that other people will be critical if you spend a lot of time critiquing things that you don’t agree with; this can make sure that you aren’t seen as a “yes man” to every client.

– Dress well. Many clients looking for growth or direction are self-conscious about their appearance. When you show that you take good care of yourself, clients will be more comfortable around you. It will also make it easier for them to see the positive qualities about you that they haven’t noticed so far. For clients looking for a sounding board or a mentor, dressing well can put you in a very favorable light. You can also choose to make sure that you are presentable at all times, which will make you stand out from the crowd.

– Don’t worry so much about what you look like. Some people may see your body as a reflection of your soul, but most clients won’t. If you have something that you are embarrassed about, make sure that you find ways to deal with it so that your clients will feel comfortable around you.

– Treat everyone equally. Even if you are the only female in the office, you can still make yourself stand out. This will make you look and sound different from every other woman in the room. Clients will feel comfortable opening up to you when you treat everyone equally, instead of focusing all of their attention on themselves.

– When you are talking, make eye contact and listen to what clients have to say. A lot of times, we put our ears to the ground while we are talking, and this is one of the biggest mistakes that people make when they are talking to clients. If you want to really make a connection with a client, then you should make sure that you are listening and engaging with them. You can also look them in the eye when you are talking, so that they will know that you are interested in them. This is an easy way to help clients feel comfortable enough to open up to you, and an easy way for you to make sure that you are presentable, as well.

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