How to Make Money While Unemployed in South Africa

As per my knowledge and calculations, the unemployment rate in the whole country stands at around 32%. The figures are actually quite encouraging considering that the number of people out of a total population of about 50 million is steadily increasing. This means that there should be an increased chance of finding an opportunity to make money while unemployed in South Africa. This is not to say that the job situation in the country will necessarily favor those looking for opportunities to earn some money. But there are certainly possibilities and given the current state of play it is high time to look for ways to get out of the mess we find ourselves in.

In this article I will share some information on how to make money while unemployed in south Africa. The first opportunity that comes to my mind is the possibility of outsourcing some work to a company based in South Africa itself. For instance, you may think of a company manufacturing and distributing goods in Cape Town and want to outsource some of the manufacturing process to Asia, for example. By doing so, you will be able to keep your expenses low at the same time make some money.

This is just one of the opportunities that come to my mind when thinking about how to make money while unemployed in South Africa. In fact, I think that the best way to earn money while unemployed in South Africa is to start a business of your own and provide a service to the local community. If you are good at what you do, they will come to you. And since we are talking about outsourcing here, the possibilities of finding clients are endless. Just think of the hundreds of small businesses that have started since the recession hit the economy and you will surely understand how to make money while unemployed in South Africa.

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